Happy World Down Syndrome Day!

We think it’s important to take action in supporting those who need it, not only at Christmas but throughout the whole year. Johan Vandamme has created the Butterfly Bracelet and with every bracelet purchased JUVELAN will donate 47 percent of the price directly to 46PLUS in Stuttgart, an organization that is dedicated to raising the awareness that individuals with Down Syndrome are valued members of our society.

In the past years we’ve been able to make some very nice donations. Be a part of supporting a good organization by getting yourself, or someone else one of the uplifting colourful butterfly bracelets.

We invite you to start this day with a smile on your face, and have a look at our “Celebrate Diversitiy” lookbook, photographed and made by star photographer Conny Wenk.

Happy World Down Syndrome Day!

Conny Wenk photo shoot with lovely Tamara

Behind the scenes from yesterday’s photo shoot of our upcoming October design, with stunning Conny Wenk shooting lovely Tamara. You want more? Please hold on until Sunday…

Enjoy some more Tamara love here:

Happy Wednesday!

Happy world down syndrome day!

Today we celebrate not one, but two things. The first one is world down syndrome day, and the second one is the first birthday of our colourful butterfly bracelets. For those who don’t know why they go hand in hand, here’s a little explanation.


We think it’s important to take action in supporting those who need it, not only at Christmas but throughout the whole year. Johan Vandamme has created the Butterfly Bracelet and with every bracelet purchased JUVELAN will donate 47 percent of the price directly to 46PLUS in Stuttgart, an organisation that is dedicated to raising the awareness that individuals with Down-Syndrome are valued members of our society.

In the past year we’ve been able to make a very nice donation. Be a part of supporting a good organization by getting yourself, or someone else one of the uplifting colourful butterfly bracelets.

There’s our multicolour butterfly bracelet that will make you and everyone around you happy!

Multicoloured Butterfly Bracelet

And we have our single butterfly bracelet, that comes in seven uplifting coloursButterfly Bracelets

We invite you to start this day with a smile on your face, and have a look at our “Celebrate Diversitiy” lookbook, Photographed, and made by the super talented Conny Wenk!

Celebrate Diversity Lookbook

Happy world down syndrome day!

The winners of the 46 PLUS Photo-Calendar 2013

Almost 2 weeks have passed by since the new and fresh year of 2013 begun, and we start this brand-new week by revealing the winners of our little “Buy & Win”-Contest from December. Remember? Every single one purchasing our unique purple amethyst earrings until December 31st was automatically participating in the lottery having the chance to win the “46PLUS Photo-Calender 2013” made by Conny Wenk. A stunning, inspiring calendar filled with plenty of joy and feeling-good energy. We just have to share this amazing piece of art with you, and we give it away not only to three, but to four customers! The lucky winners are: Christine Eisenmann, Victoria Deck, Wendy Albrecht and Martina Göhringer. Congratulations! In the next fews days you will receive the calendar via Deutsche Post. Enjoy! Of course we would have loved to give away calendar to every single one of our customers, but thankfully it’s still available for purchase on the website of 46PLUS.

Pia Douwes & Tamara

It’s Monday and that means Conny Wenk is sharing a new, hilarious and thoughtful article in her blog. Today about how we last week were able to define our common schedule and to plan for our up-coming projects in 2013. It will surely be the best year so far. And the very best part; for the first time ever there’s an iPad wallpaper with JUVELAN darling and jewellery bag designer Valerie Link that can be downloaded for free! Please go visit Conny Wenk’s blog HERE to be part of some JUVELAN / Conny Wenk magic.

Come visit later this week to read more about what we’re up to right now and soon we’ll be revealing the winner of the February custom design. One lucky winner will receive an exclusive 10,- EUR JUVELAN voucher. It’s like Christmas all year long… Happy Monday!


Sponsored by JUVELAN: 46PLUS Calendar presentation

Remember our very first Christmas campaign last year? We were very proud to do something good by donating 1€ per sold piece of jewellery until Christmas to the local charity organization “46PLUS Down-Syndrom Stuttgart e. V.”

In March this year we decided to take one more step by making an exclusive, colourful and playful collection of butterfly bracelets where we proudly donate 47% from every sold bracelet to 46PLUS.

Last Friday, 46PLUS presented their new Wall Calendar 2013 in the Stuttgart City Hall. The Calendar presents 13 celebrities together with kids with down syndrome, photographed by the breathtaking and photograph genius Conny Wenk. Two of the celebrities happen to be quite familiar, popular and beautiful JUVELAN faces: Pia Douwes and Tamara! We are happy for them to be in the Calendar and couldn’t be any prouder to be one of 46PLUS’ sponsors.

This beautiful calendar that everyone should have can be ordered directly here.

In case you missed the presentation Friday night or would love to get an idea what the calendar is all about, here’s a wonderful sneak peek, enjoy!

Wir präsentieren: JUVELAN Schmuckparty

Es ist soweit. Endlich sind unsere exklusiven Schmuckpartys für alle Anlässe da! Aber schnell zugreifen. Im Moment bieten wir nur Termine im Zeitraum vom 19. Mai bis 8. Juli 2012 an. Wir freuen uns auf spannende Begegnungen mit euch! Für Fragen und Buchungen klicken Sie hier.

Ihre Schmuckparty mit JUVELAN

Jetzt können Sie JUVELAN ganz persönlich in gemütlicher und entspannter Atomsphäre auf Ihrer eigenen Schmuckparty kennenlernen. Nutzen Sie die Chance um JUVELAN’s akutelle Kollektion gemeinsam mit schmuckbegeisterten Freunden bei Ihnen zu Hause zu sehen, zu berühren und anzuprobieren.

Und das Highlight: Sie bekommen nicht nur ein Gastgebergeschenk in Form eines Gutscheins für die aktuelle Kollektion, sondern auch jeder Ihrer Gäste bekommt ein kleines Willkommengeschenk. Bucht ein Gast auf der Veranstaltung eine eigene Schmuckparty, erhält der/die Gastgeber/in außerdem exklusive Rabatte.


Nach Absprache. Aktuell bieten wir Termine im Zeitraum vom 19. Mai bis 8. Juli 2012 an.




Bis zu 3 Stunden. (exkl. Aufbauzeit)


Abgesehen von der Verpflegung der Gäste und eventuell anfallenden Anreisekosten entstehen Ihnen für die Schmuckparty keine weiteren Zusatzkosten.


8 Personen


Bis zu einer Entfernung von 50 km ab Stuttgart fallen keine Fahrtkosten an. Bei Entfernungen über 50 km wird 0,30 €/km berechnet. Die dafür entstehenden Kosten trägt der/die Auftraggeber/in. Die Zahlung erfolgt per Vorkasse nachdem der Termin verbindlich gebucht ist.


Zur Zeit ist nur Barzahlung möglich.

Anlässe / Formate

Ob Frühstück, Brunch, Lunch, Afternoon-Tea, Dinner, Geburtstag, Ostern, Weihnachten oder einfach so – JUVELAN kommt auf Wunsch zu Ihnen.


Der/die Gastgeber/in stellt die
Räumlichkeiten und die eventuelle
Verpflegung zur Verfügung.


Der/die Gastgeber/in erhält einen JUVELAN Gutschein in Höhe von 10% des Tagesumsatzes der Veranstaltung. Der Gutschein kann direkt bei der Schmuckparty oder zu einem späteren Zeitpunkt bei JUVELAN eingelöst werden.


Während der Schmuckparty bietet JUVELAN ein exklusives Rabattsystem für Sie und Ihre Gäste an. Dieses System ist nur am Tag der Veranstaltung gültig:
5% ab einem Einkaufswert von 120 € pro Person
7% ab einem Einkaufswert von 180 € pro Person
10% ab einem Einkaufswert von 240 € pro Person

Mehr Informationen

Wenn Sie mehr erfahren möchten, schreiben Sie eine E-mail an events@juvelan.net.

JUVELAN Celebrates Diversity – and supports 46PLUS Down-Syndrom Stuttgart e.V.

We think it’s important to take action in supporting those who need it, not only at Christmas but every day throughout the whole year. Our designer Johan Vandamme has created the Butterfly Bracelet and with every bracelet purchased JUVELAN will donate 47 percent of the price directly to 46PLUS, in Stuttgart, an organisation that is dedicated to raising the awareness that individuals with Down-Syndrome are valued members of our society.

So here it is, Celebrate Diversity! This launch and campaign would not have been possible without our amazing co-workers Conny Wenk, Ramona von Lienen, Kathrin Nolte, Klara Lindell and our angel Tamara. Thank you all!

Our charity campaign is launched with a brand new Lookbook designed by Conny Wenk where you can see a bunch of amazing pictures from the photo shoot and as well some great making-of pictures from behind the scenes. Have a look at it here!

You can find and purchase our adorable Butterfly Bracelets here.

For more information about 46PLUS Down-Syndrom Stuttgart e.V. visit their homepage, www.46plus.de

Let’s now go out and CELEBRATE DIVERSITY!