JUVELAN Meets Broadway Star Lana Gordon


We are so amazingly proud and happy for our JUVELAN model Lana Gordon, who has returned to Broadway to play Velma Kelly in the hit musical Chicago. Congratulations Lana! And thank you for your kind words about us and our jewellery! We love you!


It was in 2015 that we got to know Lana as an extremely warm-hearted and beautiful person while she was playing in the German version of Chicago here in Stuttgart. We simply couldn’t resist asking her to model for us and she thankfully said yes straight away!

What are your strongest memories from the photo shoot we did with you?
Strongest memories .. Well to work with such an easy group of beautiful people .. And it was pretty chilly !!! Running in the field barefoot with a selfy stick ..

JUVELAN designer Johan Vandamme created the jewellery collection “Feel Good” especially for Lana and for the lookbook shoot that we did together with our darling photographer Conny Wenk. What an amazing day we had!

lanagordon_019Do you have a favourite JUVELAN jewellery piece?
Yes the “Feel Good” jewellery I received as a gift from you .. I love! .. people complement me all the time !!

What are you looking forward to the most right now?
I am looking forward to my time back on the Broadway stage !!

Stay in touch and follow Lana at Instagram: lanajeangordon and Facebook: Lana Gordon.


Free shipping on our 6th birthday. Because we love you!

Happy 6th Birthday

Crazy how fast time flies! Today we are so grateful and proud being able to celebrate our 6th birthday together with you. Our special gift: FREE SHIPPING WITHIN EU for all orders made until tonight at 11:59 pm. We welcome you to our online shop at www.juvelan.net

We wish you lots of fun!

With love,

Johan & Fredrik

LOOKBOOK No. 20 “Pia Douwes” – The Special Issue


We are very excited to celebrate our 20th lookbook with you! And for this issue, we have prepared a little something extra. Who would be a better choice for this celebration issue than the renowned musical star Pia Douwes – one of our very first models we ever worked with, and a big source of inspiration for our jewellery designs. And what better location is there than Amsterdam – home of this Grande Dame among musicals. With over 25 years on stage, Pia has had the honour of playing some of the biggest roles there are to play for a female musical performer. We had the idea of drawing on this enormous treasure of hers by letting her pick out some of her favourite characters and then have her portray these in a modern day version. Plus, of course, Pia Douwes up, close & personal playing the most important role there is; herself. Amsterdam, March 29th 2016, 12ºC, strong wind and weather shifting between rain and sun. Lucky us, having the opportunity to photograph in the historical rooms of the luxury boutique hotel Seven One Seven in Prinsengracht, centre of the city. A heartfelt thank you to owner and hotel director Brita Röhl for welcoming us in her beautiful hotel, dating back to the 17th century. We got so spoiled with great service, coffee, tea, sweets and the highlight of the day, the ginormous and extremely tasty sushi lunch! All in all it was just a lovely day all in all in this impressive city. A shoot like this is never possible unless you are surrounded by an awesome, highly skilled team, willing to contribute with their talents and great team work. THANK YOU TO: CONNY WENK – Photographer & Art Director … for the hard work before, during and after the shoot, consistently being highly motivated and like always, for delivering breathtaking photos with that little extra, plus for the art direction of our lookbooks. BOBBY RENOOIJ Hair & Make-Up … for the stunning hair & make-up creations and for the incredible and fast transformations of Pia from one character to another within such a short time. Amazing work! MONIQUE COLLIGNON – Outfits … for providing us with your beautiful designs for some of the looks in this issue. LIESBETH VANDAMME – Film Director … for your trained eye capturing the scenery in a way only you can do and then putting the moving pictures into enchanting videos. ULRIKE SCHLEE – Set Assistant … for always keeping an eye on the time schedule, changing camera lenses, checking if the set is clear and for motivating the whole team. As you might know by now, a JUVELAN shoot is never complete without some exquisite, dazzling and handmade jewellery pieces from the creative designer Johan Vandamme. In this celebration issue #20, there’s a fine mixture between some of Pia’s personal JUVELAN favourites from her very own treasure chest and a small selection of brand-new pieces. Keep your eyes open while browsing the pages, maybe you will discover your very own, new favourite piece of jewellery. And if you do, please let us know by dropping a message at our contact page at http://www.juvelan.net We’d love to hear from you! Thank you guys for being part of our journey, our work and for sharing and spreading the word about us. Without you, we wouldn’t be anything at all!

With love,
Fredrik Andersson

JUVELAN Business Director and Editor in Chief



Today is mother’s day and we would like to wish, not only our own super moms but ALL moms out there a very HAPPY MOTHER’S DAY!

A special shout-out with champagne and confetti goes to our awesome art director, photographer and mentor CONNY WENK. She is a true super hero and super woman juggling all things in life such as family, friends and career at once, always being on top of her game and never leaving anything or anyone behind. We all have our super heroes and Conny is definitely ours! We send a tight hug, a thousand kisses and say thank you for everything we experienced together so far, and cannot wait for all upcoming adventures with you!


Claudia Agar, Conny Wenk, Femke Soetenga, Pia Douwes, Johan Vandamme, Fredrik Andersson, JUVELAN, JUVELAN meets, Schmuck, Jewelry, Ohrringe, Rauchqaurz, Earrings, Armbänder, Bracelets, Necklaces, Halsketten, Silver, Glamour, Looking fabulous, Lookbook, Shooting, Coaching, Musical, Musical star, Rebecca das Musical, Stuttgart, Palladium Theater

Hello March! This month we will be spending some lovely time in Hamburg, a beautiful and exciting city. Have you been here already? If not, you should take the chance as soon as you get it. To kick off the month in the best way possible, we are continuing with our little blog series “JUVELAN meets…” and today we are really proud to present a very interesting mini-interview with singer, actor and coach Claudia Agar – one of our glamour models from the lookbook: “Looking fabulous”.

Claudia Agar, Conny Wenk, Femke Soetenga, Pia Douwes, Johan Vandamme, Fredrik Andersson, JUVELAN, JUVELAN meets, Schmuck, Jewelry, Ohrringe, Rauchqaurz, Earrings, Armbänder, Bracelets, Necklaces, Halsketten, Silver, Glamour, Looking fabulous, Lookbook, Shooting, Coaching, Musical, Musical star, Rebecca das Musical, Stuttgart, Palladium Theater

We are so grateful that Claudia took her time to answer the questions so detailed because of course, a lot of things happened since the shoot took place 2012. Also therefor we decided to keep and share the answers in her mother tongue German.

Are you curious about what Claudia has been up to and what favourite JUVELAN jewellery she has? Let’s have a look…

Was ist seit unserem Fotoshooting in Deinem Leben so alles passiert?
– Seit unseren Fotoshooting ist viel passiert. Das Wichtigste von Allem natürlich: die Geburt meines zweiten Sohnes. Er macht mir unglaublich viel Freude und er ist so ein ausgeglichener und starker kleiner Kerl, einfach herrlich. Er machte unsere Familie erst richtig komplett. Ein schönes Gefühl.

Das Fotoshooting fand am Anfang der Spielzeit von Rebecca statt. Das war eine gute und interessante Zeit. Und nach der letzten Show ging es für mich nahtlos weiter mit Mamma Mia! Es war super, diese Show nochmal spielen zu können. Im Laufe von insgesamt neun Jahren durfte ich diese Show immer wieder spielen und konnte somit mehr und mehr an den Rollen feilen (hauptsächlich Donna) und das war spannend, das am eigenen Leib zu erleben. Anfang 2013 habe ich mich auch von meinem Mädchennamen „Stangl“ endgültig getrennt und war dann auch auf der Bühne als Claudia Agar zu sehen. Ebenfalls ein wichtiger Schritt für mich. Und 2015 durfte ich einen wunderbaren Sommer in der Schweiz erleben und habe dort bei den Thunerseespielen Lady Montague  in „Romeo&Julia“ gegeben. Für mich war diese Produktion eine Art Abschiedsproduktion. Denn es beginnt gerade wieder eine neue Zeit:

Zwischenzeitlich habe ich meine Ausbildung zum systemischen Coach fertiggemacht, vom Dachverband DGSF ein Zertifikat erhalten und im Anschluss habe ich noch eine systemische Paar- und Therapieausbildung absolviert. Im Winter sind wir nach Bayern, in meine Heimat, gezogen und ich habe mich selbständig gemacht. Und nun bringe ich andere Menschen auf ihre ganz persönliche Bühne. Ich bring sie zum Strahlen. Ich arbeite mit Leuten aus unterschiedlichsten Berufszweigen an ihrer persönlichen Wirkung, ihrer Ausstrahlung, an ihrem Auftreten, am Umgang mit Nervosität uvm.
Mehr dazu gibt es auf www.claudia-agar-coaching.de

Welche sind Deine stärkste Erinnerungen von unserem Fotoshooting mit Dir?
– Zum einen fand ich es unglaublich lustig. Ich weiß noch, wie Femke, Pia und ich die ganze Zeit gackerten und lachten. Es war super. Aber das hatte auch viel damit zu tun, daß Ihr und Conny uns so ein lässiges und entspanntes Umfeld geboten habt. Das war klasse. Ich hab mich so wohl gefühlt.  Und als ich dann im „Tigerlook“ auf Conny zugekrabbelt bin, das werde ich auch nie vergessen, wie sie die Augen aufgerissen hat und wir so lachen mussten, weil ich ja so ein „Vamp“ sein kann 😉

Hast du ein Libelingsschmuckstück von JUVELAN?
– Immer noch liebe ich am Meisten die Rauchquarzohrringe. Das sind immer noch meine Favoriten. Extra für mich „komponiert“.

Worauf freust Du Dich zur Zeit am meisten?
– Am meisten freue ich mich momentan auf meine Kunden und Klienten. Ich bin gerade in einem sehr spannenden Prozess und kein Tag ist wie der andere.

Was machst Du zur Zeit? / Was hast Du auf Deiner Agenda? / Kann man Dich zur Zeit irgendwo auf der Bühne bewundern?
– Was ich momentan mache, hab ich ja schon bei Frage 1 beschrieben. Ich arbeite am Aufbau meiner Coaching-Firma und lerne und staune und freu mich jeden Tag. Ich habe spannende Aufträge, schreibe Angebote und mehr und mehr Kunden.

Read more about Claudia and her coaching here:

Claudia Agar, Conny Wenk, Femke Soetenga, Pia Douwes, Johan Vandamme, Fredrik Andersson, JUVELAN, JUVELAN meets, Schmuck, Jewelry, Ohrringe, Rauchqaurz, Earrings, Armbänder, Bracelets, Necklaces, Halsketten, Silver, Glamour, Looking fabulous, Lookbook, Shooting, Coaching, Musical, Musical star, Rebecca das Musical, Stuttgart, Palladium Theater

Claudia Agar, Conny Wenk, Femke Soetenga, Pia Douwes, Johan Vandamme, Fredrik Andersson, JUVELAN, JUVELAN meets, Schmuck, Jewelry, Ohrringe, Rauchqaurz, Earrings, Armbänder, Bracelets, Necklaces, Halsketten, Silver, Glamour, Looking fabulous, Lookbook, Shooting, Coaching, Musical, Musical star, Rebecca das Musical, Stuttgart, Palladium Theater Claudia Agar, Conny Wenk, Femke Soetenga, Pia Douwes, Johan Vandamme, Fredrik Andersson, JUVELAN, JUVELAN meets, Schmuck, Jewelry, Ohrringe, Rauchqaurz, Earrings, Armbänder, Bracelets, Necklaces, Halsketten, Silver, Glamour, Looking fabulous, Lookbook, Shooting, Coaching, Musical, Musical star, Rebecca das Musical, Stuttgart, Palladium Theater Claudia Agar, Conny Wenk, Femke Soetenga, Pia Douwes, Johan Vandamme, Fredrik Andersson, JUVELAN, JUVELAN meets, Schmuck, Jewelry, Ohrringe, Rauchqaurz, Earrings, Armbänder, Bracelets, Necklaces, Halsketten, Silver, Glamour, Looking fabulous, Lookbook, Shooting, Coaching, Musical, Musical star, Rebecca das Musical, Stuttgart, Palladium Theater
Claudia Agar, Conny Wenk, Femke Soetenga, Pia Douwes, Johan Vandamme, Fredrik Andersson, JUVELAN, JUVELAN meets, Schmuck, Jewelry, Ohrringe, Rauchqaurz, Earrings, Armbänder, Bracelets, Necklaces, Halsketten, Silver, Glamour, Looking fabulous, Lookbook, Shooting, Coaching, Musical, Musical star, Rebecca das Musical, Stuttgart, Palladium Theater Claudia Agar, Conny Wenk, Femke Soetenga, Pia Douwes, Johan Vandamme, Fredrik Andersson, JUVELAN, JUVELAN meets, Schmuck, Jewelry, Ohrringe, Rauchqaurz, Earrings, Armbänder, Bracelets, Necklaces, Halsketten, Silver, Glamour, Looking fabulous, Lookbook, Shooting, Coaching, Musical, Musical star, Rebecca das Musical, Stuttgart, Palladium TheaterClaudia Agar, Conny Wenk, Femke Soetenga, Pia Douwes, Johan Vandamme, Fredrik Andersson, JUVELAN, JUVELAN meets, Schmuck, Jewelry, Ohrringe, Rauchqaurz, Earrings, Armbänder, Bracelets, Necklaces, Halsketten, Silver, Glamour, Looking fabulous, Lookbook, Shooting, Coaching, Musical, Musical star, Rebecca das Musical, Stuttgart, Palladium Theater Claudia Agar, Conny Wenk, Femke Soetenga, Pia Douwes, Johan Vandamme, Fredrik Andersson, JUVELAN, JUVELAN meets, Schmuck, Jewelry, Ohrringe, Rauchqaurz, Earrings, Armbänder, Bracelets, Necklaces, Halsketten, Silver, Glamour, Looking fabulous, Lookbook, Shooting, Coaching, Musical, Musical star, Rebecca das Musical, Stuttgart, Palladium Theater

Claudia Agar, Conny Wenk, Femke Soetenga, Pia Douwes, Johan Vandamme, Fredrik Andersson, JUVELAN, JUVELAN meets, Schmuck, Jewelry, Ohrringe, Rauchqaurz, Earrings, Armbänder, Bracelets, Necklaces, Halsketten, Silver, Glamour, Looking fabulous, Lookbook, Shooting, Coaching, Musical, Musical star, Rebecca das Musical, Stuttgart, Palladium Theater



Many, hearty thanks to all visitors who came by our pop-up stand yesterday in Filderstadt at the concert from Pia Douwes. You are simply the best! We had lots of fun and can’t wait for the next event to come. See you very soon! ❤







International musical star and JUVELAN model Pia Douwes takes you on a very personal journey into the realm of her dreams… When? Tonight at 7:30 pm in the Filharmonie Filderstadt where we will be presenting some exclusive one-of-a-kind jewellery pieces and selected highlights from our collection. We are there for you the whole evening and do not only accept cash, but also bank and credit card payments. So if you are planning to go to the concert, we would love for to come and visit our little jewellery corner! Who would like to stop by?



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Skärmavbild 2016-01-31 kl. 08.38.29Skärmavbild 2015-11-29 kl. 16.39.40








Hello February! We hope you had a great first month of 2016 and that we can brighten up the dark winter months with our little blog series “JUVELAN meets…” Today please welcome the extraordinary, very talented and sweet musical star Annemieke van Dam – one of our models from not only one, but two lookbooks: “Heatwave” and “Endless love”.

Annemieke is fearless and goofy but at the same time a perfectionist in front of the camera and we really love to work with her. Our two photo shoots with her and Conny Wenk were both very different. For “Heatwave”, together with Ana Milva Gomes and Sidonie Smith, it was a cold and grey day in April and the poor girls were freezing like chickens in their short dresses while “Endless love” together with Wietske van Tongeren was taking place at a warm Summer day in August. What will it be like next time?

Are you curious about what Annemieke is up to right now and what favourite JUVELAN jewellery she has? Let’s have a look…

What have you been up to since our photo shoot together with you?
– I’ve had the great opportunity to do two shoots with you! Since the “Endless love” bridal shoot with Wietske van Tongeren in 2013, I’ve been working and living in Vienna together with the love of my life! I’ve had the most amazing luck in the world to play Elisabeth and  after that, to play Mary Poppins!!

What are your strongest memories from the photo shoot we did with you?
– During the photo shoots there was always such a great happy atmosphere! Lots of love going around. We had such great laughs. When Johan came in to the picture once to hang an earring straight, I pretended to bite him! You should hear his shocking scream on the video!!

Do you have a favourite JUVELAN jewellery piece?
– I love the white waterfall earrings “Chantel”!!! And the earrings and bracelet Johan made specially for Wietskes premiere of Rocky!!!! That was a special edition though… Not for sale… (unfortunately haha!)

What are you looking forward to the most right now?
– I have to say that I’ve learned to really live in the moment. I’m very happy now with where I am. Meeting with friends for coffee and walking through Vienna. Enjoying my surroundings and counting all my blessings!

What are you currently up to? / What’s on your life agenda? / Are we able to see you live on stage somewhere?
– Yesterday I played the very last performance of Mary Poppins in Vienna in the Ronacher Theater. It has been such a joy!! We had an amazing cast with my best friends on stage! I’m very curious where life is going to take me after this. And for the first time in my life I’ve recorded a CD that I’m very proud of, it’s called Amateur! Listen to it HERE, I think you’ll like it

More information about Annemieke van Dam on her website:

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Not only is she part of our JUVELAN family as a model, but she has also been part of our sparkly journey in so many other ways, as of assisting us at many different jewellery events and more… Please say hello and welcome to RAPHAELA PEKOVSEK! Having this girl in your surrounding always guarantees a good laugh and we just love working with her in all kind of ways. She is also fearless and she surely would have ripped down the entire hotel room that we had booked for a shoot with her and our favourite photographer Conny Wenk in Vienna, unless we would have stopped her! 🙂 Raphaela is currently playing MOZART! das Musical in Raimund Theatre as well as being dance captain for the production.

Are you curious about what Raphaela’s strongest JUVELAN memories are and what favourite jewellery she has? Let’s read all about it…

What have you been up to since our photo shoot together with you?
– For the second time in row, I have had the luck to be on stage in a great musical production in my home town Vienna. 

What are your strongest memories from the photo shoot we did with you?
– Lots and lots of good laughs and also the cold but wonderful, sunny day. Oh, and the pedestrian who simply lent us his dog to be part of the shoot as a photo model… that I remember very well too. 🙂


Do you have a favourite JUVELAN jewellery piece?
– The custom made, golden, flower-shaped earrings I have. They’re just so suitable to any occasion.


What are you looking forward to the most right now?
– I’m looking forward to the two upcoming weddings within the circle of my closest friends!! :-))

What are you currently up to? / What’s on your life agenda? / Are we able to see you live on stage somewhere?
– I love my profession and I hope that the future will bring many more, wonderful productions that I can be part of!

Read some more fun facts about Raphaela Pekovsek in Conny Wenk’s interview series “25 on Tuesday” :
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Heatwave - the black & white issue

Welcome 2016 and welcome back to the blog series JUVELAN meets… We hope you had some lovely holidays and that the new year started well for you. It is time to continue catching up with our lovely JUVELAN models…

Today, please say hello to the gorgeous, extremely funny, caring and loving ANA MILVA GOMES – our model for Heatwave – the black & white collection 2013. The photo shoot together with Annemieke van Dam, Sidonie Smith and Conny Wenk was a long but extremely exciting and enjoyable day. The girls flew in early in the morning from Vienna and back in the evening. The schedule was very tight but we managed to shoot everything we planned and at the same time we had such a lovely time together. Are you curious about what Ana Milva Gomes is up to right now and what favourite JUVELAN jewellery she has? Let’s have a look… Happy New Year 2016!

What have you been up to since our photo shoot together with you?
– Well, I was fortunate enough to stay in Vienna and play Donna in Mamma Mia and more recently I am playing the baroness of Waltstätten in the revival of Mozart das Musical! Plus I got to be a judge on a children’s program called ‘Kiddy Contest’.

What are your strongest memories from the photo shoot we did with you?
– I remember it being such an amazing day with great energy… I will never forget how silly Annemieke van Dam, Sidonie Smith and I were acting when we did a shot where we opened a box filled with the jewellery and had to act surprised. We were so giggly and crazy! 


Do you have a favourite JUVELAN jewellery piece?
– Owhh gosh… that is a difficult question… I really like all of them. From my custom made purple and gold hoop earrings I wore to a premiere in Stuttgart to the beautiful emerald green, also custom made, earrings I wore to my premiere of Mozart not so long ago.

Ana Milva Gomes

2015-09-26 15.42.05

What are you looking forward to the most right now?
– I’m really looking forward to seeing what is next for JUVELAN… I have a feeling it’s about to blow up anytime. As for myself… I am absolutely happy where I am at the moment and I will go where my destiny will take me.

What are you currently up to? / What’s on your life agenda? / Are we able to see you live on stage somewhere?
– At the moment I’m at the Raimund theatre every night performing in Mozart and I’m working on a few projects that are still in a very early stage. The first thing that will come out soon is a videoblog called ‘INSIDER’, where I interview people who work in the theatre about their job… from technicians… to front of house… to my colleagues on stage… very exciting!

More information about Ana Milva Gomes and her current projects:

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